
For Every Wig Purchased, We Will Donate a Wig to Someone in Need.


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Wig4Wig was created with the belief that everyone with a medical need for a wig should be able to easily obtain one. Beginning September 01, 2014, we will donate a wig for every wig purchased from Rockstar Wigs, Cosplay Wigs USA, Gothic Lolita Wigs, Dollite, or any of our sister brands to a person throughout the world in need. We are working closely with several non-profits and will post details regarding the beneficiary foundations once we have completed the specifics.
While Wig4Wig has always been on our future plans, it was Vanessa Lopa who inspired us to expedite our plans for this program. Vanessa Lopa is a model/muse and longtime customer of ours. She is young, vibrant and full of life and her smile will brighten your day. She was recently diagnosed with Leukemia and will eventually lose all of her hair due to the chemotherapy treatments. Her physicians informed her that it is best that she cuts off her long hair before starting the treatments. In honor of our friend, Vanessa Lopa, we are launching Wig4Wig. She will be an Honorary Ambassador for our Wig4Wig program.

Become a part of this great cause.

If you or someone you know is in medical need of a wig, you may contact us directly. Please submit your request to service@gothiclolitawigs.com for consideration as an individual beneficiary for Wig4Wig.*

To be considered, you must have a medical reason for hair loss. Recipients will be given a general descriptions of wig styles they can choose from. Not all wigs on the site are available for beneficiaries.

*Please note that all requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and not all submissions are accepted as beneficiaries.